King Investment Credit/Risk Analysis
We prepare and arm Loan Officers and Bank Managers with the right methodology on credit and risk analysis to reduce delinquency.
Analysis focuses on:
Micro Economic Activities Analysis
The Loans Officer would have an opportunity to understand these activities that have little or no records and have a better analysis that would help both the lending institution and the business because many of them seek loans without a clear study of business plan or study as such they end up being delinquent.
Corporate Bodies Activities Analysis
Although these may have formal setup and proper documentation, it is good to have a closer look at the financial statements and other risk factors of the institution to better analyze the feasibility of financing such a project or business venture to be pursued by the institution.
AgriBusiness Activities Analysis
Considering the potential in this sector as a majority of the population in the developing countries are engaged in agriculture, the Analyst would be trained on analyzing this activity with little or no stress with possible outcome on productivity, everything being equal. All economic activities can be analyzed under any of these categories.