About Us

About Us

King Investments Group

King Investments Group operates three subsidiaries aimed at solving business problems in the 21st Century. We offer solution-based approaches to every business challenge. Our strategy has been to empower businesses and individuals to ensure economies in the African continent emerge by 2040. Our broad range of products/services include customized software applications, Business consultancy, Training needs and Financial services to enable businesses compete globally. King Investments Groups bridge the gaps created in training, empowering and using technology as a progress tool.

Who We Are

Company Overview


King Investments Group is dedicated to financial inclusion, technological advancement, and sustainable business growth. Our three subsidiaries—King Investment Finance, King Software Technology (KISOTEC), and King Business Training Center—work together to make banking accessible, provide cutting-edge software solutions, and train entrepreneurs with essential business skills. We aim to create a stress-free and comfortable life for our clients, adapting our services to the evolving economic landscape. As African countries strive for emerging economies by 2040, we are committed to preparing citizens for a future where technology and financial inclusion drive economic development.


At King Investments Group, we are dedicated to fostering financial inclusion, technological advancement, and sustainable business growth. Through our subsidiaries—King Investment Finance, King Software Technology (KISOTEC), and King Business Training Center—we strive to make banking accessible to all, provide cutting-edge software solutions, and empower entrepreneurs with essential business skills. Our mission is to prepare citizens for a future where financial transactions are seamless, technology drives innovation, and businesses thrive, contributing to the economic development of emerging African economies by 2040.


Who We Are

Our Mission

How We Works

How we support
your Business

At King Investments Group, we are committed to empowering businesses through a multifaceted approach. We provide financial accessibility by offering affordable and inclusive banking solutions through King Investment Finance.
Financial Accessibility

Financial Accessibility

We provide accessible and affordable banking solutions to ensure seamless and inclusive financial transactions
Technological Solutions

Technological Solutions

We offer customized software, website development and management systems enabling businesses stay competitive.
Business Trainings

Business Trainings

Equiping business owners with essential skills in overall business management fostering sustainable growth.

3 M

Global reach

our great work has been reach to global clients & their satisfaction

1 k

Satisfied Clients

Provided the best quality services in IT and help business to grow

35 +

Years Experience

Celebrating 35 years! Let's take the moment to reflect milestone

170 +

Awards Win

To be honored peers is incredibly gratifying and we’re so thankful
99.9% Customer Satisfaction based on 750+ Reviews and 14,530 Objective Resource   


Get the Solution Of Your Common Queries

We will send you a report every two weeks (i.e. after each sprint, when the next version of the software is completed) or every month if you prefer. The reports include info on what we plan to achieve in the next sprint.
we will give you a precise answer we must prepare a project scope and create a budget. We shall tell you how much of that scope can be completed within the budget and we’ll be able to estimate how long will it take.
We thoroughly monitor our developers and control how much time they spend on each task down to the exact minute. We use Harvest software and Devfox to track time spent on your project. we can quickly assign additional team
We thoroughly monitor our developers and control how much time they spend on each task down to the exact minute. We use Harvest software and Devfox to track time spent on your project. we can quickly assign additional team